
贝博体彩app最好的素食餐厅 & 素食餐厅

Taste the bounty of the Bay Area at these delicious vegetarian dining establishments in San Francisco, 植物在哪里, 不是侧面.

贝博体彩app长期以来一直是清洁饮食的支持者, 可持续农业, 本地美食. 我们擅长负责任的饮食! It should come as no surprise then that the city has plenty to offer vegetarian visitors when they dine out. 以下是我们挑选的无肉餐的最佳去处. (Vegan friends, take note: most of these places can cater to you, too!)


缅甸巨星 & 缅甸的爱

融入了印度风味的缅甸菜, 中国。, 和泰国——很难找到, 但贝博体彩app有很多. 缅甸巨星 以排长队和私密空间而闻名吗. 缅甸的爱 有一个满的酒吧和更多的空间吗. 任何一个都值得等待. The tea leaf salad is rightfully famous 和 vegetarian curries pack a delicious punch. 



沿着繁忙的餐饮走廊,瓦伦西亚街 任务,你会发现 Cha-Ya, a Japanese restaurant that specializes in tasty vegan 和 vegetarian dishes. Our favorites include the vegetarian pot stickers 和 Starlight roll: seasoned brown sushi rice, eryngii蘑菇, 菠菜, 芦笋卷在牛油果薄片里.



之间的 北海滩金融区 is Cotogna,休闲小妹到高端,毗邻昆斯. 这几年来一直是城里最火的餐厅之一. 厨师迈克尔·塔斯克在室内准备了美味的意大利面, 还有披萨, 沙拉, 还有季节性的意大利乡村美食. Their sformato is always vegetarian, 和 raviolo di ricotta with an egg inside is another winner. 不要错过他们的蔬菜配菜, 比如著名的胡萝卜, 哪些是足够大家吃的. Reservations are advised, but the bar 和 communal table are great for walk-ins.



It can be hard for a vegetarian to survive in a Chinese restaurant, but the local mini-chain 喜欢素食 是素食者和纯素食者的热门目的地吗. 如果你想找肉类替代品,这里就是你的好去处. 他们在城镇附近的位置也使它成为一个方便的站点. 它们也提供.



霍斯Zare的 捕蝇器 为每个人提供一点东西. 他的现代, 新鲜的波斯菜肴有不同的风味, 大量使用香料和草药. Many a vegetarian swears by his varied menu, 和 his "Hoss-pitality" is legendary. The warm 和 stylish dining rom 和 excellent wine list don't hurt either.



市民中心 restaurant serves Vietnamese, Indian, Thai 和 Chinese food for modest prices. 黄金时代素食主义者 pleases diners who are fond of traditional Asian recipes because it re-creates the meat ingredients by using soy 和 spices. 对于一家亚洲餐厅来说,他们的甜点菜单非常丰富. Golden Era is just three blocks from the 市民中心 Station, serviced by 市政巴特.



For a true San Francisco institution dedicated to vegetarian cuisine, 只要看看传奇故事就知道了 绿色餐厅俯瞰历史悠久的梅森堡的海湾. It was opened in 1979 by the San Francisco Zen Center 和 has been making vegetarians happy ever since. Their chefs have produced some of the most respected vegetarian cookbooks in publication, 景色非常壮观, 服务也更加完善. +, 经典的北加州风情, they were one of the first places in San Francisco to partner with their own farm, 位于禅宗中心的撤退在绿色峡谷附近 马林县. The menu changes with the season, but the dishes are always on point.



Indochine素食 draws on culinary traditions from across Asia 和 presents its all-vegan menu in a vibrant 任务的区 setting. The wide range of choices include over a dozen types of vegetable rolls, 还有各式各样的寿司, 陶罐和面食. 一种受欢迎的选择是辣味恰恰茶, morsels of yam swathed in crumbs 和 deep-fried with spices 和 bell peppers. You can get to Indochine by taking the J line 市政 streetcar to 16th 和 Church Streets or 巴特 to 16th 和 任务 Streets.



对于素食者和纯素食者来说,泰语通常是一种安全的选择, 亲戚考是一个时尚而正宗的地方. 店主Pim Techamuavivit以她的美食博客而闻名, 在Pim, 和 her restaurant features many dishes rarely found outside of Thail和. 亲戚考 提供有趣的氛围, with cocktails 和 a wine list well-designed to pair with the bright flavors on the menu. Come prepared for an adventure, have fun, 和 order the black rice pudding for dessert.



滋养咖啡馆 是否100%以植物为基础并使用有机产品, 天然食品和非转基因成分来制作美味, 健康食品. 他们的食谱中只使用天然甜味剂和最少的油. Menus 和 hours differ between their two locations, so plan wisely in order to taste it all!



这家高档餐厅所有的菜都是纯素的, 以艺术的方式上桌,美得令人难以下咽. 青芒果nigiri配柑橘鳄梨泥值得一试, 还有“情节转折”甜薯天妇罗卷, 烟熏豆腐, 腌芒果, 番茄, 洋葱, 柚子, shiso, 和墨西哥. Shizen is one of the Bay Area’s most acclaimed vegan restaurants 和y don’t take reservations, 所以通常要等上一段时间才能入座. However, their app lets you know where you are in the list, 和re’s plenty of interesting 购物 在附近. Shizen靠近第16街巴特站. 14号和19号地铁线也可以到达那里.


儿子 & 女儿

这家高档餐厅位于 联合广场头山 has a private farm that supplies the produce 和 ingredients used in their recipes. 儿子 & 女儿 提供一份物有所值的素食菜单. 提前打电话预订或在线预订.



喜欢印度菜的人应该试试 Udupi宫 在传教会. The food is entirely meat-free so that vegetarians can order with ab和on. 素食主义者也会发现很多值得爱的东西. The rich spices keep everything flavorful, 和 thalis are an excellent value, too.



You might think that a vegan restaurant wouldn't have much to offer in the way of burgers. 你错了. Veganburg in 嬉皮 提供不少于十种不同的无肉汉堡. 他们还有不含转基因的法式薯条. 



在牛谷附近,你会发现 位于希尔山地. 他们的座右铭很简单:“吃得好,活得更好”。. 位于希尔山地 has a menu of unique dishes made from hearty, well-prepared, plant-based ingredients. 享受他们的甜菜和橘子酱, 辣香肠披萨(用菠萝蜜做), 还有清爽的国王喇叭蘑菇酸橘汁腌鱼! 有大量的选项菜单, even the biggest carnivore will leave 位于希尔山地 satisfied 和 ready to return again soon! 


泰勒是老大. 全球内容经理 & 贝博体彩app旅游公司的通讯部. He has lived in San Francisco since 2015 和 has been part of the San Francisco Travel team for just as long. He enjoys splashy production numbers 和 outdoor sporting events equally, which means you can usually find him at one of San Francisco’s many great theaters or at Oracle Park, 为巨人队加油. 

The 金门大桥 at sunset with a multicolored sky 和 San Francisco Bay in the foreground.


第一个知道即将到来的活动和节日, 新餐馆, 特殊交易, 以及海湾边的城市里发生的一切.