
11 Installations To See On the 照亮科幻™ Light Art Trail

照亮贝博体彩app™是一年一度的灯光艺术节,照亮了整个贝博体彩app, 11月24日至1月31日.

圣诞树和节日装饰并不是这个节日唯一发光的东西. 照亮科幻™ is the annual light art festival that brightens all of San Francisco, Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. 而整个城市有60多个永久和临时的灯光艺术装置, we've hand-picked a few that make for a fantastic light art trail. 经验 this light art trail to keep your holiday season bright.


The iconic wind baffle structures that anchor The Parks at 5M, 一个新的, 充满活力的社区通过一个有凝聚力的公共空间网络连接到贝博体彩appSOMA区的周围结构, 是谁的创意 !melk, an award-winning urban design and landscape architecture firm. 为减缓风力而建, 挡板或“挡风板”巧妙地从外部照明,并辅以柔和的光线,通过上部区域的穿孔辐射. 虽然是钢做的, a material associated with heaviness and industry, 挡板通常被称为“花”,因为它们的茎和叶状设计元素. 夜幕降临时,它们会变成令人惊叹的雕塑,突然间就像是漂浮在水面上.


点云 位于连接莫斯康中心南北建筑的人行天桥上. This installation was created 作者:利比利亚。, the same artist created 海湾之光. 点云 spans 100 feet and is constructed of 858 steel rods and 28,288个LED灯泡, 就像海湾大桥上的那些, individually programmed to change colors every 30 seconds. You can walk the bridge during The Moscone Center's open hours, or enjoy the light show from street level on Howard St.


Taravat Talepasand的 中东和平 has returned as a permanent installation in YBCA's Grand Lobby. 悬挂在天花板上, 这个复杂的霓虹灯艺术品, featuring the word "peace" in Farsi, 通过塔勒帕桑作为一名伊朗裔美国女性的视角,探讨了反映性别和政治权威的文化禁忌.


位于芳草地(Yerba Buena)社区中心的萨尔玛家庭大厦(Salma Family Building)的外墙上,发光的6英尺6英寸(约合1.6米)长的字母拼出了“爱高于规则”(LOVE OVER RULES). Situated in an alley off Mission Street, 这个灯光雕塑是纽约艺术家汉克·威利斯·托马斯在美国的第一个永久性公共艺术品. 向艺术家的堂兄致敬, 2000年被谋杀, 这个闪烁的白色霓虹灯装置分享了他表弟给托马斯的最后一条录音信息. 每个单词都有一行,鼓励不同的解读:是“爱超越规则”还是“爱超越规则”?”托马斯, who graduated from the California College of the 艺术’ MFA program in 2004, has deep ties to the city and local culture. The large-scale light art work is Sites Unseen's third public art project.



在Salesforce大厦的顶部,密西西比河以西最高的建筑,你会发现 白天换黑夜, a massive and incredibly versatile light art installation by Jim Campbell. The top of the tower has been sheathed in 11,000盏灯和视频屏幕,让城市生活的日常场景显示一整夜.


在新Salesforce运输中心闪闪发光、阳光明媚的圆形大厅里,珍妮·霍尔泽的 白光 inspires commuters and visitors with its words of wisdom. 这个182英尺长的LED屏幕以不同的时间显示40多位作家的作品. Some are fleeting, 45 second appearances. Others linger for up to two hours.


让我们发光 SF is a holiday projection mapping event will run Dec. 1 to 10. The activation is produced by Downtown SF, 服务于金融区和杰克逊广场的社区福利区, 与A3视觉合作.

Let’s Glow SF will be the largest holiday projecting mapping event in the U.S. 灯光与色彩的夜间之旅将以本地和国际艺术家的作品为特色. 惊人的古怪的, 摘要, 自然主义的冬季主题图像将投射到贝博体彩app金融区的四座标志性建筑上.


鸟的语言 在连接唐人街和北滩的步行广场上安装了一个永久性的特定地点的雕塑. Each of the artwork’s suspended “books” mimic a bird in motion, with various wing positions created by the forms of the pages and bindings. 从羊群下面走过, pedestrians will notice words and phrases embedded in the plaza floor, which appear to have fallen from the pages above. 仔细观察, 堕落的词汇都是英语, 意大利语和汉语, and were selected from the neighborhood’s rich literary history.

在晚上, 嵌入书中的LED灯创造了视觉图案——在不同的时间,人们可能会看到鸟群微妙地跳动,或者发出壮观的西洋镜效果. It is the first solar power-offset public artwork in California; the artists teamed with scientist David Shearer and Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s City Lights Bookstore to provide solar power to the city’s grid, offsetting the energy used by the artwork.


经验 巴基球 作者:利比利亚。, 一座25英尺高的照明雕塑,在白天和月光下都为探索博物馆的公共空间增添了活力. Inspired by futurist and inventor Buckminster Fuller's geodesic dome, 球形足球形状的特点是两个嵌套的测地线球体,由4个组成,500 LED nodes arranged in a series of pentagons and hexagons. (1985年,科学家们在碳分子中发现了这种形式,并将其命名为“巴克明斯特富勒”或“巴克球”," which is avidly being researched by scientists and material engineers).

巴基球的s light sequences are driven by chance, and can glow with more than 16 million distinct colors to create exuberant, random compositions of varied speed, color, 不透明度, 和规模. Simple elements drive a full-scale sculptural installation that moves, 相互作用, and ultimately grows into a complex, dynamic form that questions common notions of space, 时间和感官愉悦.


LUMA酒店在第三街和海峡街的拐角处为路人提供了灯光艺术的礼物. Local art hero Jim Campbell has created another beautiful, 特定场地, 酒店大堂的动态照明装置可以通过三层楼高的落地窗看到. The prolific artist who installed 白天换黑夜 在Salesforce大厦的顶部创造了这个引人注目的装置,从每个角度看都不一样,并利用窗户的反射来放大它的运动. The figures within climb an infinite stretch of waterfall, allowing Campbell to create delight out of physical struggle.


Olafur Eliasson's largest public artworks in the U.S., 看到球, 由五个十五英尺半高的抛光水成型钢球体组成,围绕中心空间站成一圈. 每个球体支撑一个平面, 圆形镜面, 由一圈LED灯构成, 哪个是向内的,以反射周围球体的镜像面. 在一起, they produce a surprising environment of multilayered, reflected spaces in which the same people and settings appear again and again, visible from various unexpected angles. Tunnel-like sets of nested reflections open up in the mirrors, repeating countless times and disappearing into the distance.

位于大通中心25号,000 square-foot triangular plaza in front of the East Entrance to the arena, 这个引人注目的新艺术品在繁荣城市建立了一个突出的公共环境,供游客见面和互动.


布伦达·塔克 is the Director of 艺术 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, after driving cross-country to a home she secured sight unseen. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.
