Woman at Pride in San Francisco

San Francisco
Festivals and Events in June

June is the month to be in San Francisco. 以下是这个月最值得参加的节日和活动.


Escape From Alcatraz

第42届回归,备受瞩目 逃离恶魔岛铁人三项和水上运动 将于2023年6月10日至11日接管贝博体彩app的水域和街道. Watch Olympians, world champions, 各种各样的运动员在贝博体彩app历史悠久的地点进行艰苦的比赛. 

Union Street Music Festival


The Union Street Music Festival 将夏日的声音带到历史悠久的联合街, this festival features local bands, arts and crafts booths, food and beverage gardens, community groups and unique sponsors.

San Francisco Jazz Festival


For more than 30 years, SFJAZZ presented the San Francisco Jazz Festival in venues around the Bay Area; with the opening of the SFJAZZ Center in 2013, 这个节日现在集中在市中心和周边地区,有30多场表演.

AIGA San Francisco Design Week

整个星期有60多个工作室参观和75个活动,展示科技发明和改变文化的产品, human-centered design, 以及国际建筑的新兴时尚, San Francisco Design Week 是否有机会体验该地区独特的设计人才、影响力和创新.

Queer Women of Color Film Festival

Brava Theater

The Queer Women of Color Film Festival 展示反映有色人种酷儿女性生活的新电影,并解决涉及多个社区的重要社会正义问题.

Spring India Day

Union Square

这是对丰富多彩的印度文化的庆祝, Spring India Day, an annual event, 以传统的印度婚礼为特色, henna artists, Bollywood dancing, music and enticing food booths.

Yerba Buena Art Walk

Yerba Buena Gardens

The Yerba Buena Art Walk 这里有十几家画廊和机构在芳草地艺术区免费开放.

Haight Ashbury Street Fair

Haight Street

音乐、美术、工艺品和食品是中流砥柱 Haight Ashbury Street Fair 庆祝贝博体彩app最具国际知名度的社区之一的文化历史和多样性, Haight-Ashbury

Across The Bay 12K and 5K

横跨海湾12k的特点是点对点的旅程,从索萨利托开始, running across the Golden Gate Bridge, and finishing in Aquatic Park. The 5k starts and finishes in San Francisco. 

Annual San Francisco Black Film Festival

The Annual San Francisco Black Film Festival is a celebration of African American cinema and the African cultural diaspora showcases a diverse collection of emerging and established filmmakers; more than 10,自1998年首届电影节以来,已在全球放映了5000部电影. 


Castro Theatre

这是世界上持续时间最长、规模最大、范围最广的LGBTQ电影展览, 贝博体彩app国际LGBTQ电影节框架 放映开创性的纪录片、故事片、感人短片和电影经典. 

Juneteenth Celebration

这是美国各地非洲裔美国人最古老的庆祝活动.S., the Juneteenth Celebration 这一天是为了纪念美国奴隶制的终结.S.; local event includes musical performances, a car show, arts and crafts, 儿童活动和各种食品摊贩. 

North Beach Festival

San Francisco's oldest street fair, the North Beach Festival, delights with juried arts and crafts, live entertainment, Italian street painting, kids’ chalk art area, animal blessings, gourmet food booths, beverage gardens and other surprises. 由北滩商业协会提供.  

Stern Grove Festival

The Stern Grove Festival 在贝博体彩app市中心一个美丽的露天露天剧场里,有著名的音乐和舞蹈团体举办免费的周日音乐会.

Pride in Gotham

Pride in Gotham 将于6月20日至24日晚上7点至11点在 Hibernia Bank in San Francisco. It's the first production by Pop Culture Immersives, 这是一家新成立的贝博体彩app戏剧公司,重现了标志性的世界, 专注于为城里的酷儿艺术家创作作品. 客人们将来到海伯尼亚的大理石大厅,就好像这是韦恩基金会(Wayne Foundation)的一场盛会:穿着黑领结(或角色扮演), with live music and champagne flowing. 客人将被带到地下银行的金库,进入一个身临其境的表演体验世界.

San Francisco Pride Celebration and Parade

San Francisco's annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender 从Embarcadero到市政中心的节日游行是骄傲的高潮.


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